This is quite common in a lot of households. Your Mom trying to read your personal diary or poking nose in your privacy. First thing is that they do it out of concern. They are worried, but you still don't like it, so what are you going to do now? Here's what you can do.
spy mom!
1.First, make sure that your mom is actually spying on you. Make sure that she is really reading your personal account and all.
2.After that you try to find out "why?" Usually parents do it because they are worried of your particular behavior.
3.Try not to show your behavior changes in front of your Mom. Yeah, it's difficult, but the least you can do is try.
4.If your suspicion turns out to be true, sit down with your mother and have a heart-to-heart talk. Let her know that you are aware that she is intruding on your privacy and that you'd like her to stop. Your privacy is important but you still love her.
5.You can always do is change your password. Change to something difficult, something complicated.
* Change your password.
* Act normal around your mom.
* Don't be harsh on your mom. Be polite!
* Don't make accusations.
Source: WIkihow
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